Is email marketing effective in 2022? YES!

Email marketing is one of the most effective strategies to promote a product.

However, due to the growth of social media and other promotional strategies, people started to doubt the effectiveness of email marketing.

Is email marketing effective in 2022? If you’re a beginner at digital marketing, you’ll probably have this question too. In this blog, I’ve provided a detailed answer to this question.

Let’s get started!

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Is email marketing effective?


Email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies that offer a fantastic Return on Investment (ROI) of $42 for every $1 spent. This ROI makes email marketing to be cost-effective too. 

According to statistics, in 2020, about 4 billion people use email, which is mind-boggling. Moreover, the stats predict that the email users will grow to about 4.59 billion in 2025.  

Nowadays, thanks to the advancement of smartphones, it has become pretty easy to send and receive emails. I’m pretty sure that you would have checked your email inbox at least once today. Am I correct? 

All these factors positively contribute to the growth of email marketing. 

Below, I’ve explained email marketing along with the expert tips to succeed in it. 

Email marketing: A quick overview

Email marketing refers to sending commercial messages to your email subscribers. 

Businesses or marketers use email marketing to promote products, offers, product launches, drive leads, etc. 

In email marketing, the sender usually sends the email to a large group of people with the help of email marketing software like GetResponse. You can send out emails manually too, but it’s time-consuming, which you can otherwise use to grow your email list and sell more products. 

GetResponse’s pricing starts at $15/month, which is pretty affordable considering the features it offers. I recommend you utilize their 30-day free trial to try the software.


Nowadays, many marketers started to purchase email lists through list-purchasing companies. Trust me; this strategy doesn’t work well, especially in the long term. Moreover, buying an email list violates the rules under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

If people repeatedly flag your email as spam, email service providers like Gmail, Outlook, etc., will show your future emails in the “Spam” folder. 

Thus, work hard and grow your email list correctly. If you do so, you can build an effective email marketing campaign. 

Advantages of email marketing

In 1978, Gary Thuerk sent the first email for marketing purposes. He worked for Digital Marketing Corp, and he sent emails to let people know about their new product. 

He sent emails to 400 recipients and generated about $13 million in sales!

Since then, email marketing has evolved to become one of the most effective digital marketing strategies. In fact, it’s easier to sell a product through email than social media. 


Below, I’ve listed the advantages of email marketing. 

  • Email marketing offers better conversions and increased sales
  • Email marketing is cost-effective. As mentioned before, email marketing provides a fantastic ROI of $42 for every $1 spent. 
  • Email marketing is scalable. Even if you start with a low budget and have a small list of subscribers, it’s possible to increase your budget and grow your list. 
  • It’s easy to get started with email marketing. Once you purchase the email marketing software, you can set up your email marketing campaign in less than two hours — even if you’re a beginner. 
  • Emails are easy to share. If a person finds your email valuable, he can easily share it with others, increasing its reach. 
  • Measurable results. With email marketing software, you can quickly measure the performance of your campaign. Also, you can perform A/B testing.
  • Email marketing isn’t an in-your-face marketing strategy. People can read the email at their convenience. If they wish, they can also delete the email. 

How does email marketing work in 2022? 

There’s no denying the fact that email marketing is effective in 2022. However, if you want to succeed in email marketing, it’s essential to create an effective strategy and implement it in your campaign.

The following are the points that can help your email marketing campaign to perform better.

1. Compelling subject lines

In this era, people receive several emails each day. If your subject line doesn’t stand out from them, people will probably not open your email. 

You can make your email’s subject line attractive by making it short, valuable, and descriptive. Generally, it’s better if your subject line consists of less than 50 characters. 

Moreover, if possible, you can try adding hook words to your subject line. Similarly, funny and controversial heading also helps increase the open rate and Click-through Rate (CTR). 

2. Short and descriptive body content

Nowadays, the attention span of human beings is pretty less. In fact, according to scientists, the attention span of humans is less than a goldfish

As an email marketer, you should structure the email content short and engagingly convey the message to people. By doing so, you can expect people to take the action you desire.

In some scenarios, long-story emails tend to convert well. For instance, you can share an inspiring story to promote a fitness product and expect good conversions. 

However, in most cases, short and descriptive emails perform better. 

Also, when sharing a file as an attachment, ensure that its size is small. If not, compress before uploading because people don’t have the patience to download and view a large file. 

3. Send personalized emails

Besides sending short and descriptive emails, you should also try sending personalized emails whenever possible. 

Personalized email vs. Non-personalized email infographic

According to a study by Experian, personalized emails can increase the open rate by 29% and click-through rate by 41%. 

4. Optimize your emails for smartphones

As you know, in this era, many people check their emails through their smartphones because of the convenience it offers. Thus, it’s essential to optimize the emails and make them look fantastic on smartphones. 

The following are some of the tips for mobile email marketing. 

  • Keep the subject line short. Generally, it’s better to write a subject line with less than 30 characters. 
  • Next to the subject line, the pre-header text will grab people’s attention the most. Thus, it should be engaging. 
Pre-header text in smartphone
Pre-header text in smartphone
  • Make sure the landing page is mobile-friendly. You can check the mobile optimization of a web page using Google Mobile-Friendly Test
  • If you use pre-made templates, make sure they are mobile-optimized. 

5. Send out emails at the correct intervals

As an email marketer, you shouldn’t annoy your subscribers by sending too many emails. Instead, send them emails only when it’s relevant.

Speaking of the time to send emails, you can prefer morning hours from 6:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. or afternoon hours after lunch (i.e., after 2:00 P.M.). Night hours before 10:00 P.M. may also do well.

Nonetheless, the time of sending out emails depends on your business type and target audience. If your target audience is working people, you can send them emails during the day. Similarly, if you target students, you can email them during evening hours.

I recommend you to perform research and stick to the time when you receive the highest conversions.

Different types of emails

Email marketers send various types of emails depending on their business type and the action they want people to take.

Below, I have explained some of the popular email types.

1. Welcome email

When someone subscribes to your email list, you should send them a welcome email. I prefer sending out the welcome email immediately after a person subscribes. However, you can also send within the first 24 hours of them signing up.

In the welcome email, you can share information about your company, products, offers, etc.

2. Email to drive leads

To drive leads, you should first nurture an email subscriber and make them trust your brand. You can achieve this goal by sending them a series of emails. 

Though your goal is to drive leads, you should provide valuable content to the readers to make them trust you. 

Moreover, the emails you send should be at regular yet sufficient intervals. If you don’t send the emails regularly, your subscribers may lose the connection with your email series. 

Bonus tip: If you use email marketing automation software like GetResponse, you can schedule the email content in advance. 

3. Survey email

If you want your business to become successful, you should know what people are expecting from you. Thankfully, with the help of email marketing, it’s pretty easy to collect feedback through survey emails.

You can analyze your survey to know your areas of improvement and tailor your business towards your customers.

4. Milestone email

As the name suggests, a milestone email is to celebrate an achievement. 

For instance, you can send a milestone email when your blog reaches 100,000 page views a month. You can share this happy moment with your subscribers and celebrate it together. 

By sending milestone emails, you make your email subscribers feel that they are part of your family. 

5. Newsletter email

Newsletter emails aim to update people with the events of a company. They are one of the most popular and oldest types of email marketing. 

Sending newsletters has several advantages. Some of them include the following. 

  • Increase traffic to your blog (if you send blogs in your newsletter). 
  • They convert well — if you share valuable information. If otherwise, people may not open your newsletter emails, which affects the conversion rate. 
  • They help to build brand loyalty. 
  • They help to maintain a healthy relationship with the customer. 

6. Follow-up email

Usually, it takes more than one email for your email subscribers to convert into customers. Thus, email marketers should send follow-up emails to build trust and interact with the subscribers.

If you want your follow-up email to perform well, you should send it at the right frequency. Some marketers send follow-up emails too quickly, which is wrong. 

Instead, give some break for the people to process your first email. If they don’t take any action, maybe send a follow-up email after two weeks.

But, sometimes, you may need to send a follow-up email within 24 hours, like in the case when someone abandons a shopping cart. 


Email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies to promote a product. It has several advantages, such as low cost, scalability, long-term, measurable results, etc.

The first use of email marketing strategy was in 1978. Since then, email marketing is on a boom, and it’s far from fading away.

In 2022, if you want to build an effective email marketing campaign, you should implement the correct strategies — as discussed in this blog.

If you have any questions regarding email marketing, let’s discuss them in the comment section below.

Picture of Abdul Wadood

Abdul Wadood

Abdul Wadood is the founder of Righty Guide, a digital marketing startup company. He has immense knowledge of digital marketing and is also a good mentor with excellent leadership skills.

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