What Is First Contentful Paint?

It specifically tracks the time it takes for the first meaningful piece of content to appear on the screen, whether it’s text, an image (including background image), or any other visible elements such as <svg> or non-white <canvas> elements, rather than background colors or placeholders.

Table of Contents: 

What Is First Contentful Paint?

FCP is the timestamp at which the browser renders the first content element inside the viewport. It could be text, an image, or any other visually significant element.

First Contentful Paint Tool Example

Poor FCP can lead to user frustration, decreased engagement, and lost business opportunities. Seconds is the unit of FCP. A Goog FCP value should be 1.8 seconds or less. Anything above 3 seconds is “Poor,” and the values between 1.8 and 3 seconds are ideal candidates for improvement.

To measure FCP, performance monitoring tools and browser APIs are used. Some of the best tools to measure FCP are PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, and Chrome DevTools. Website developers use FCP values to identify potential bottlenecks and apply necessary optimization remedies.

Unveiling First Contentful Paint (FCP)

First Contentful Paint refers to the point in time when the first piece of content is rendered on the screen for a user visiting a web page. This content can include text, images, videos, or any other visual element that contributes to the user’s initial perception of the page. FCP marks the transition from a blank or loading screen to the beginning of a visually meaningful experience for the user.

The Significance of First Contentful Paint

The speed at which a web page loads and displays its content has a direct impact on user engagement and satisfaction. Users today expect web pages to load swiftly and display content promptly. A delayed First Contentful Paint can lead to negative user experiences, increased bounce rates, and diminished credibility for the website or application.

Measuring First Contentful Paint

First Contentful Paint is quantified in terms of time, typically measured in seconds. It is crucial to note that FCP is not just about complete page loading; it focuses specifically on when the first piece of visible content appears. Tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, and various web analytics platforms provide FCP measurements and insights to help developers gauge their page’s performance.

Strategies to Improve First Contentful Paint

I have listed some of the best strategies to improve FCP below.

  • Optimize server response time

Reduce the time it takes for the server to respond to requests by employing techniques such as server caching, server-side query optimizations, and the use of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs).

  • Prioritize Render-blocking resources

Identify and prioritize the loading of render-blocking resources, such as JavaScript and CSS files, that delay the rendering of content. Asynchronous loading and deferring non-critical scripts can achieve this. 

  • Minify Code files

Minify and streamline CSS and JavaScript files. This can be done by removing white spaces, extra or unnecessary line breaks, comments, etc., from the CSS and Javascript files. You can also remove unused code or dependencies to minify the files.

  • Prioritize critical content

Load essential content first to ensure a faster FCP. Load above-the-fold content and critical resources initially, deferring the loading of non-essential elements or scripts to improve perceived loading speed.

  • Optimize images

Compress and resize images to minimize their file size without significantly losing quality. Use the latest image format like WebP and lazy-loading techniques to defer the loading of off-screen images.

  • Reduce third-party scripts and plugins

Evaluate the necessity of third-party scripts and active plugins on your website. Such additional scripts and plugins can add latency to the loading process.

  • Use browser caching

Enable browser caching to store static assets locally, reducing the need for repeated requests to the server.

  • Enable HTTP/2 and GZIP compression

HTTP/2 allows concurrent requests over a single connection. GZIP compression reduces file sizes during transmission.

Tools for Measuring and Monitoring FCP

To effectively optimize First Contentful Paint, you need the right tools to measure and monitor it. Here are a few widely used tools:

  • Google PageSpeed Insights: This tool provides a FCP score and suggestions for improving page speed. It’s an excellent starting point for diagnosing performance issues.
Google PageSpeed Insights Tool Example
  • Google Lighthouse: Integrated into the Chrome browser and available as an extension, Lighthouse offers comprehensive audits for web performance, including FCP.
Google Lighthouse Tool Example
    • Web Analytics Platforms: Platforms like Google Analytics offer FCP data for your website, allowing you to track performance over time and identify trends.
    • Content Delivery Networks: CDNs not only help with resource distribution but also often offer performance analytics, including FCP measurements.


First, Contentful Paint (FCP) is a vital performance metric for website optimization. FCP is the time it takes for the first meaningful content to appear on a webpage. Regular monitoring, analysis, and optimization are necessary to ensure that FCP and other performance metrics remain optimal.

By employing various optimization techniques such as optimizing server response time, minimizing render-blocking resources, prioritizing critical content, optimizing images, reducing third-party scripts, and leveraging browser caching, website owners and developers can enhance FCP and deliver a better user experience.

Picture of Abdul Wadood

Abdul Wadood

Abdul Wadood is the founder of Righty Guide, a digital marketing startup company. He has immense knowledge of digital marketing and is also a good mentor with excellent leadership skills.

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